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The Destash was great fun!
Thanks for coming!
Destash Restash will be back in the summer!
Buy and sell yarn, fabric and haberdashery
Your chance to dig out your cupboards and pass on that unused stash.
Make sure you're on the mailing list to get the news
when it's released!
How does it work?
Basically just like a table top sale. You book a table in advance for £10, receive a pack of flyers in the post to hand out and publicise the event, turn up at 9am, set up, doors open at 10am. Sell your stash!
What can I sell?
The following items can be sold: wool, yarn, fibre, fleece, fabric, haberdashery and notions.
I'm a business, can I sell there?
We have a small number of tables reserved for businesses. These cost £20 instead of £10 for individuals. Please contact us here to book one of these tables.
Is there a cafe?
We have a lovely cafe selling hot drinks, delicious cakes and light lunches
Seller hints and tips
Club together with friends to share a can also put a single layer of baskets or boxes in front of your table.
Keep it reasonable and it will sell really well - remember people love a bargain!
Sellers may not leave until the end of the event at 2pm unless previously arranged with the organisers.
Still got questions?
Contact Saj on (07919) 178701

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